Ulanzi FM01 FILMOG ACE Handheld Fogger / Smoke Machine 40W with Wireless Control

Fog Yeah! This Ulanzi Portable Smoke Machine Is Changing the Creative Game

Sep 19, 2024CameraStuff

Lights, camera, action... and fog! If you've ever dreamed of adding that perfect cinematic haze to your videos or photos, get ready to meet your new best friend: the Ulanzi FM01 FILMOG ACE Handheld Fogger Smoke Machine. This pocket-sized powerhouse is about to revolutionize the way you create atmosphere in your shots. Whether you're a professional videographer, a passionate photographer, or just someone who loves to add a touch of drama to their parties, the FM01 is here to turn your foggy dreams into reality.

Why This Is Useful

Let's face it, creating the perfect ambiance can be a real pain in the... fog. Traditional fog machines are bulky, messy, and about as portable as a grand piano. But the FM01? It's like having a fog genie in your pocket, ready to grant your atmospheric wishes at a moment's notice.

  • Portability : This bad boy is handheld and comes with its own carrying bag. No more lugging around equipment that weighs more than your camera gear.
  • Versatility : With 36 different fog effects and adjustable intensity and speed, you can create anything from a subtle mist to a full-on pea-souper. It's like having a weather machine in your hand.
  • Control : The wireless remote lets you operate from up to 10 meters away. No more running back and forth between your camera and your fog machine like a headless chicken.
  • Safety : Using vegetable glycerin and featuring temperature control, this fogger is safer than your grandma's chicken soup. Plus, it's odor-free, so your set won't smell like a vape convention.
  • Flexibility : The universal 1/4" mount means you can stick this fogger anywhere. Tree branch? Check. Tripod? You bet. Your assistant's head? Well, maybe ask first.

What Makes This Fogger Special? 

  • Remote Control Superiority : While others are stuck in the Stone Age with infrared remotes that need precise aiming (talk about a foggy situation), Ulanzi's 2.4G wireless remote works from any angle. No more interpretive dances just to adjust your fog!
  • Power Play : With 40W of fog-generating muscle compared to the typical 30W, the Ulanzi is like the bodybuilder of fog machines. More power means more fog, and more fog means more awesome!
  • Color Me Impressed : Ulanzi sports a sleek color screen, while others leave you in the dark with no display. It's like comparing a smartphone to a brick phone – guess which one's more fun to use?
  • Marathon Sprayer : Other foggers tap out after 10 minutes, needing a breather every 3 minutes. The Ulanzi? It keeps on fogging for up to 30 minutes straight. It's the Energizer Bunny of fog machines!
  • Pro-Level Control : With delay and cycle mode adjustments, the Ulanzi adapts to your creative vision. Meanwhile, other foggers are stuck in a one-trick pony show.
  • Battery Life that Keeps Going : 50 minutes of fog time compared to a measly 25 minutes? The Ulanzi is practically a fog factory on steroids!
  • Mode Mastery : 36 modes of foggy goodness, adjusting smoke concentration and wind speed. The competition? They're still trying to figure out what a "mode" is.
  • Battery Brilliance : Dual removable batteries mean you can keep the fog rolling without missing a beat. Others leave you high and dry (or should we say, clear and visible?) when the juice runs out.

What You Get in the Kit

Ulanzi isn't fogging around when it comes to accessories. Here's what you'll find in the box:

  • The star of the show: The ULANZI FM01 FILMOG Ace Portable Fog Machine
  • A remote control (for when you're feeling lazy or need to fog from afar)
  • A carrying bag (because every fog machine deserves a stylish home)
  • A straight tube (for when you want your fog to go straight to the point)
  • A curve tube (for when your fog needs to take a detour)
  • A sponge filter (because even fog needs to stay clean)
  • A flex hose (for those hard-to-reach foggy spots)
  • A Type-C charging cable (because running out of battery mid-fog is a real mood killer)

DIY Smoke Juice: 

Now, here's a little secret that'll really get you fired up: you can make your own smoke juice for the FM01! That's right, you can become the mad scientist of fog, concocting your very own misty brew. Here's how to do it:




  • Prepare your fog-making lab: Clear a space and put on your imaginary lab coat.
  • Measure like a pro: You'll need 25ml of PROPYLENE GLYCOL and 100ml of VEGETABLE GLYCERIN. That's a 1:4 ratio for those of you who like to keep score.
  • Mix it up: Combine the 25ml of PG with the 100ml of VG. It's like making a cocktail, but instead of getting tipsy, you'll be getting foggy!
  • Blend, baby, blend: Stir the mixture thoroughly. We're aiming for a uniform blend, not a foggy mess.
  • Optional dropper action: For easy handling, consider using a dropper. No dropper? No problem! You can buy one separately or get creative with alternatives. Who knows, maybe that turkey baster will finally come in handy!

And voila! You've just created your very own smoke juice. You're basically a fog alchemist now. Just remember, with great fog comes great responsibility. Use your newfound power wisely!

Safety First!

Remember, folks, while DIY is fun, safety is key. Always use food-grade PG and VG, and if you have any doubts or concerns, stick to commercially produced fog juice. We want your shots to be smokin', not your equipment!

FAQ: Everything You Wanted to Know About Fog

Got questions? We've got answers! Here's a foggy forecast of the most common queries about the Ulanzi FM01 FILMOG ACE:

  1. Q: Is it normal to see oil droplets in the atomizing chamber? A: Absolutely! The chamber uses cotton to absorb oil and heat it on the wire to produce smoke. The cotton comes pre-moistened from the factory, so a few droplets during transport are normal. It's not leaking; it's just excited to meet you!
  2. Q: What's in the secret fog sauce? A: The fog liquid is a mix of vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol (VG:PG = 8:2). It's like a smoothie for your fog machine!
  3. Q: How long can I fog on one fill? A: You can fog continuously for about 12 minutes on a single fill. That's enough time to recreate the entire opening sequence of a film noir movie!
  4. Q: How long does a 60mL bottle of fog liquid last? A: You can fog for approximately 100 minutes with a 60mL bottle. That's almost two hours of non-stop fogging. Your neighbors might start to worry!
  5. Q: Do I need to replace the atomizer? A: For light use, probably not. If you start tasting burnt fog (yuck!), it might be time. Heavy users should consider replacing it every three months. But don't worry, your fog machine will keep on trucking either way.
  6. Q: What if the green protective film on the battery falls off? A: Stop using it immediately and replace the battery. Green means go, no green means no!
  7. Q: Can I use any 18650 battery? A: Not quite. The FM01 is picky about its batteries. 69mm is too long, so stick with the recommended specs.
  8. Q: Will a larger capacity battery give me more fog time? A: Yes! More battery = more fog. It's simple fog math.
  9. Q: How do I charge the remote control? A: The remote charges directly on the main unit. It's like a baby fog machine feeding from its parent!
  10. Q: Do I need special tools to add liquid? A: Nope! Just pour it in. No fancy equipment required (unless you want to wear a lab coat for fun).
  11. Q: What's this about 1min~30min spray time? A: You can set the machine to spray continuously for anywhere between 1 and 30 minutes. Perfect for everything from a quick misty shot to a full-blown fog apocalypse.
  12. Q: Can I charge via USB while spraying? A: Yes, you can! It's like giving your fog machine an energy drink while it's running a marathon.

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