Neewer Black Diffusion Filter

Embrace the Dreamy Vibes: Neewer's Black Diffusion Filters at Your Service

Oct 19, 2023CameraStuff

What are “Diffusion Soft Filters?” 

Diffusion soft filters, also known simply as diffusion filters, are filters used in photography and videography to create a soft, dreamy, ethereal and flattering look by reducing contrast and minimizing the appearance of fine details. These filters are often placed in front of the camera lens, and they work by scattering and diffusing light as it passes through the filter.

Photographers and filmmakers often use diffusion filters creatively to achieve a specific mood or style in their work, especially in portrait and beauty photography, as well as in cinematography where a softer, more cinematic look is desired.

Neewer Black Diffusion Filter
Neewer Black Diffusion Filter

Key Characteristics

  1. Softening Effect: The primary purpose of diffusion filters is to soften the overall image. They achieve this by reducing the sharpness of edges and toning down harsh highlights.

  2. Reduced Contrast: Diffusion filters tend to lower the contrast in a scene, making the transition between highlights and shadows smoother. This is particularly useful in situations where you want to capture a more gentle and flattering look.

  3. Glow and Halation: Black diffusion soft filters can introduce a subtle glow or halation around bright areas in the image, adding a dreamy or ethereal quality.

Neewer Black Diffusion Filter

Choose Your Strength

Soft filters are invaluable tools in the world of photography and videography, allowing creators to achieve a variety of artistic effects. One key factor to consider when using soft filters is their strength, often denoted by values such as 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of these values and how they influence the look of your images. 

Neewer Black Diffusion Filter

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Neewer Black Diffusion Filter

1/8 (Eighth Strength): A Hint of Softness

For a minimal softening effect, the 1/8 strength filter is the go-to choice. It imparts a very mild softness, suitable for scenarios where you want just a touch of diffusion without compromising detail. This level of diffusion is often selected when a subtle softening effect is desired.

Neewer Black Diffusion Filter

1/4 (Quarter Strength): Subtle Softness

The 1/4 strength filter offers a gentle touch of diffusion, providing a subtle softness to your images. This level of diffusion is an excellent choice when you want to add a hint of softness without sacrificing too much detail. It's perfect for situations where a delicate, nuanced effect is desired.

Neewer Black Diffusion Filter

1/2 (Half Strength): Balancing Softness and Detail

At 1/2 strength, the soft filter maintains a moderate level of diffusion. It softens the image while preserving more detail compared to its full-strength counterpart. This setting strikes a balance between achieving a soft look and retaining clarity, making it versatile for various photography scenarios, including portraits and glamour shots.

Neewer Black Diffusion Filter

1/1 (Full Strength): The Dreamy Elegance

A soft filter with a strength of 1/1 delivers the maximum level of diffusion. This setting creates a dreamy and ethereal atmosphere by significantly reducing contrast, softening edges, and minimizing fine details. Ideal for artistic portraits or scenes where a pronounced softness is desired, the 1/1 filter imparts a magical quality to your images.

Choosing the Right Strength for Your Vision


The choice of soft filter strength depends on your creative vision and the specific requirements of each shot. Many photographers and cinematographers keep a range of soft filters with different strengths in their toolkit. This allows them to tailor the softness of their images to suit the unique characteristics of different subjects and scenes.

Experimenting with various filter strengths can open up a world of creative possibilities, enabling you to convey different moods and styles in your visual storytelling. Whether you're aiming for a dreamy portrait or a subtly softened landscape, understanding the impact of different soft filter strengths empowers you to express your artistic vision with precision.

In conclusion, soft filters are powerful tools that can transform the mood and aesthetic of your images. The nuanced differences in strength, from 1/1 to 1/8, offer a spectrum of creative choices for photographers and filmmakers to explore and experiment with in their pursuit of visual storytelling excellence.

Buy the Right Size Black Diffusion Filter


Determining a lens's thread size is crucial before purchasing a filter to ensure compatibility and secure attachment. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to check a lens's thread size:

  • Look at the Lens Front:


On the front of your camera lens, you'll find the filter thread. It's a ring around the outer edge of the lens. The filter thread size is usually indicated by a symbol resembling 'Ø,' followed by a number (in millimeters), such as Ø52 or Ø77.

  • Check the Lens Cap:


Sometimes, the lens cap will have the filter thread size printed on it. Look for any markings or labels that indicate the diameter of the lens.

  • Refer to the Lens Manual:


The lens manual, either in physical or digital form, often provides information about the filter thread size. Check the specifications or details section.

  • Online Lens Database:


Some online databases, manufacturer websites, or photography equipment retailers provide comprehensive information about specific lenses, including their filter thread sizes.


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